

Our Publications


Technical Books and Expert Knowledge for SAP Professionals

SAP Data Archiving - The Practice Handbook

SAP-Datenarchivierung – Das Praxishandbuch

Starten Sie jetzt Ihr Archivierungsprojekt! In diesem Buch lernen Sie, welche Anforderungen erfüllt werden müssen und wie Sie mit Archivierungsobjekten im SAP-System arbeiten. Sie werden Schritt für Schritt durch ein typisches Archivierungsprojekt geführt und auf alle Aspekte aufmerksam gemacht, die Sie berücksichtigen müssen. Der Autor legt besonderen Wert auf die Archivierung gemäß DSGVO mit SAP ILM Retention Management.

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Archiving SAP Data – Practical Guide

Archiving SAP Data – Practical Guide

In the face of large data accumulation, data archiving plays a vital role in maintaining SAP system performance while adhering to legal requirements. Strategize and execute your SAP data archiving plan with this guide! Begin with the basic principles, before diving into tools for storage and transactions for accessing archived data. Whether you're using a classic approach or SAP Information Lifecycle Management, get the know-how you need to clean out the clutter in your SAP system.

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SAP ILM Webinars

and the European General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR)

In this webinar series, Ahmet Türk provides practical and clear instruction on the use of SAP ILM in the area of data protection (GDPR). In 5 individual webinars, you'll first learn the basics of SAP ILM and discover how a successful SAP ILM project can be set up.

SAP ILM - The Basics

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In this webinar, you'll first learn the most important basics of SAP ILM (terms, components, and transactions). Subsequently, Ahmet Türk will introduce you to the two pillars of SAP ILM: Retention Management (RM) for GDPR compliance and Retention Warehouse (RW) for decommissioning legacy SAP systems.

  • how to archive or destroy your SAP data based on rules using SAP ILM
  • how to use the functions of Retention Management (RM)
  • how to use the various functions within the Retention Warehouse (RW)
  • how to manage legal cases with Legal Case/Content Management (LCM)
  • how to successfully plan and implement an SAP ILM project (Quick-Start approach model)
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Best Practice Documents

20 Years Experience in ILM Projects

Use our best practice documents for your SAP ILM project and benefit from our years of experience. We offer you the following best practice documents:

Professional business person working at a desk with documents and laptop

An exclusive strategy paper for an archiving concept and deletion concept according to GDPR.

Multiple step-by-step guides for successful implementation of an ILM object in the form of detailed concept documents.

An overview of country-specific legal retention periods per ILM object.

Guidelines for tax-related data extraction in various formats.

Additional useful and helpful documents, tools and information available upon request!

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We're here to help! Send us an email or give us a call to discuss how we can assist you.

Tel:+49 (0) 711 490 52 260

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